Multi Metre



SMART SENSOR Electromagnetic Field Radiation Detector can test electric field radiation and magnetic field emission to reach the optimal test result. It is used to test and learn electromagnetic radiation situation indoor and outdoor. It is equipped with a built-in electromagnetic radiation sensor, which can display the radiation value on the LCD digital display after processing by control micro-chip.

Product Features

1. One EMF Tester with two uses, testing the electric field and the magnetic field radiation at the same time.
2. Measure radiation of high voltage power lines, appliances, electrical wires.
3. Sound-light alarm, when the test result exceeds the safe value, the instrument will alarm automatically.
4. Data hold and max measurement, one-key lock the radiation value.
5. Large & clear LCD display of the values for easy reading.
5. Easy to operate with easy one-hand operation, easy to carry and make field measurement.
6. Can measure the environment temperature with 2 temperature units (℃ and ℉)

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