Rem Pod V2


These can detect both energy from the living and the spirit world 8 LEDs in groups of 2 which will illuminate and loud alarm so you can hear from quite a distance.

This can be used for spirit communication by asking yes or no questions,. This of course requires the willingness for a spirit to communicate. It doesn't detect EMF like the K-ii meter, so putting it near a power source like a plug socket will not trigger it. This device triggers when anything breaks the EMF field it generates. This is an essential ghost hunting detector.

The mini pod runs on a 9v battery which is not included, it can be quickly replaced if needed from the bottom. There is a power switch to turn it on and off on the bottom as well.

  • Very high quality
  • Built to order
  • On/off switch on the side
  • Adjustable telescopic antenna
  • Detects anything getting close, living or dead
  • Responds with 8 flashing lights and loud alarm
  • 150mm x 90mm
  • Requires a square 9v battery (Battery not included)
  • Inserting battery wrong way round will result in circuit failure and will void guarantee 
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RM Paranormal
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